Know the fine art painting before knowing its value

While cleaning the attic you, happened to come across your grandfather’s trunk that had a lovely painting from 1850s. Now, you are curious enough to know it’s worth as the first thing that would strike to most of us. This piece was well preserved so, you might be in luck to get a good deal. But, there are several other things to be considered before the price of these fine art paintings. You certainly are a new to this, so should start from looking for fine art paintings buyers who can give you the details of the painting with the correct value.

fine art painting

Look for as much information about the painting

Where to start the search from? Genuine buyers of antique paintings are available online and have listed out the criteria of evaluating the price of any of these paintings.
Some of these factors include:

  1. Time period
  2. Artists
  3. Rarity
  4. Signature
  5. Condition

No matter, with or without signature and what conditions, these buyers will tell the worth after thoroughly reviewing the artwork. You can get connected to the online painting collectors by simply submitting a high resolution picture of the art and they would get back if, they find the piece interesting. With higher quality photographs , the chances of getting them interested is higher. So, it is better to include as much information in that single picture by including the signature, front and back of the art.

You can also, do a background research to find out about the artist online or from your grandfather with the idea behind the painting. This information form you can get the buyer’s interest with an attached history to the painting. But, do not put additional information and just put the facts forward.

Store these paintings better for retaining the value

It is important to value your possession if, you expect others to value it equally. Now, you may not be able to find a buyer instantly for the painting, so store it an ideal place, to retain its original value. Secure the picture by keeping it away from excess light and damp walls. Most of these pigments are light sensitive and will dramatically fade away. If, you have to sell your art online, keep the picture away from light other wise the photograph would definitely show a dull painting, which no-one would be interested in taking home.

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